
Experiments in creating my own path and living on purpose. Sometimes lost, occasionally found, and often inspired.

jet lag haiku

I’ve just returned from five weeks of work travel. The trip took me to several countries and entailed flying back and forth across multiple time zones. It was fun and we did some really interesting research, but my body is royally confused.

I’ve been back for a couple of days now and am still having trouble adjusting to the jet lag. Today in the early hours of the morning, I decided to try resting without sleeping. I focused on my breath and instead of fighting the exhaustion I relaxed into it. Then I wrote this haiku.

I’m actually starting to really enjoy these fuzzy hours, time alone with my coffee and slow, morning diversions. Today will certainly not go as planned, but that’s ok. Sometimes it takes something like jet lag to remind us to listen to our bodies and just be where we are.